CF64 overview
Over the last 12 months the average sales price in CF64 was £344,530. The total value of sales was £166,708,647.
23% of sales in the past 12 months were flats, achieving an average sales price of £202,364. Houses achieved an average price of £405,662.
The highest value recorded by the Land Registry over the past 12 months was £725,000 for a flat and £2,950,000 for a house.
Total transactions
Top transactions over the last three months
£650K - CAE CANOL, CF64
34% lower
Change in total transactions
Over the last three months
£29.3m - The total value of property sold
18% - % of Total - Flats
0% - % of Total - New Build
Street with most transactions
Average price
over past 12 months
6% higher
Annual change in average sales price
28% higher
5 year change in average sales price
CF64 Transactions by month
CF64 Annual % change in transactions
CF64 Transactions by month – adjusted
CF64 Transactions by property type
Average prices by property type
over the past 12 months
New build properties
Average prices by property type
over the past 12 months
Average prices by property type
over the past 12 months
Terraced house
Average prices by property type
over the past 12 months
Average prices by property type
over the past 12 months
Average prices by property type
over the past 12 months
All houses
CF64 Average prices by bedrooms and type
CF64 Annual change in average price by bedroom and type
CF64 lettings overview
Over the last 12 months, the average rent achieved for homes let in CF64 was £1,023 per month. This is a +4% change on the previous 12 month period.
51% of homes let in the past 12 months were flats, achieving an average rental value of £900 per month. Houses achieved an average rent of £1,171 per month.
23% of renters are aged between 25 and 29.
Average monthly rent
Homes let in past 12 months
4% increase
Annual change in average rent
Average age of renters
Renters in past 12 months
CF64 Annual % change in average rents
CF64 Average rents by bedroom and type
CF64 Change in average rents by bedroom and type
CF64 Profile of homes let
CF64 Profile of homes let by bedroom and type
CF64 Age profile of renters
CF64 population overview
Size of resident population
There are 13.1 residents per hectare which is a higher population density than across the region as a whole. In 2021 there were 37,528 people living within CF64. The overall population increased by 3.1% in the ten years between 2011 and 2021.
12.6% of the population are aged between 35 and 44 which is above the regional average. 31.6% of households comprise just one person while 36.1% of households include families with children.
The most predominant industry of employment is Public admin, education & health which comprises 37.1% of the working age population.
Predominant age group
% households families with children
Size of the workday population
Population growth 2011–2021
CF64 Travel to work
CF64 Socio-economic profile
Number of dwellings
75.6% of residents within CF64 own their own homes while 14.7% live in privately rented accommodation.
In 2021 there were 16,304 dwellings within CF64. 20.7% of properties are flats while houses make up 79.3% of housing stock.
In the last five years there have been 535 new homes built across CF64, an average of 107 per year.
Most prevalent housing type
% of household renting privately
New homes built
last 5 years
End of the market insight
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