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Writer's pictureConrad Binding

Average length of tenure for renters

  • The current average length of tenure for private renters in their current home is 4.6 years. This has been creeping upwards, going back 10–15 years then the average was in the range 3.5 to 3.8 years.

  • Previous English Housing Survey data has shown us the length of tenure varies across age groups: younger renters tend to spend a shorter amount of time in each property (64% of 16–24 year olds stay less than 3 years).

  • And older renters tend to stay for longer: in the two categories (35–54 and 55–64 yrs old) then 68–69% of renters have stayed more than 5 years.

  • Community ties, like schooling, become even more important considerations for these categories of renters.

  • With the rising age of first-time buyers, renter demographics are also shifting as people remain in the rental sector longer. More older renters, who typically spend longer in each property, are having an impact on the overall length of tenure.

  • Market conditions also play a role: with the recent imbalance between supply and demand in the rental market, renters have preferred to remain in their current property for longer than face competing for a new property. Source: Dataloft by PriceHubble, English Housing Survey 2023/2024 (length of tenure) and 2021/2022 (length of tenure by age).

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